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Curso de Preposições em Inglês

segunda-feira, 30 de julho de 2007

A Trip to the Zoo

quinta-feira, 26 de julho de 2007


At the zoo

A worker sprays an elephant to cool it down at a zoo in Hangzhou, east China's Zhejiang province, July 23, 2007. The local temperature hit 37 degrees Celsius (98.6 degrees Fahrenheit) on July 23, according to local media. Picture taken July 23, 2007. REUTERS/China Daily (CHINA) CHINA OUT


Llegó a nuestra lengua proveniente del latín palæstra y éste, del griego palaístra (lugar donde se lucha), derivado del verbo palaíein (luchar).(lugar donde se lucha), derivado del verbo (luchar).
Griegos y latinos llamaban así a los gimnasios o lugares donde se luchaba y, por extensión, a la propia lucha. A partir de cierta época, los antiguos pasaron a denominar con la misma voz el lugar donde se desarrollan ejercicios literarios o se debate algún tema, asociando el concepto con el de ‘lucha intelectual’.
A partir de esta acepción, se formó la expresión salir a la palestra o saltar a la palestra, que significa ‘tomar parte activa en una competencia pública’ o también ‘aparecer públicamente’.
La palabra griega se originó a partir del nombre de Palestra, la hija del rey Pándoco de Arcadia. Esta joven era amante de Hermes y, al enterarse de que su padre se disponía a matarlo, puso al dios al corriente de la maligna intención del rey y le pidió que le diera muerte primero para, de esa manera, salvar la vida. Como homenaje de gratitud a Palestra, Hermes dio a los gimnasios el nombre de palestra.
En portugués, palestra significa ‘conferencia’ o ‘charla’.

‘Supply and demand’

The lesson includes:


Print this and write your answers here.


When you get to the video section watch the video and answer the questions on the worksheet.


When you get to the listening section listen to the MP3 audio and answer questions on the worksheet.

Answer Key

Use this to check your answers.


Places to go if you want to read more about the subject.

quarta-feira, 25 de julho de 2007

This Never Happened Before - Paul McCartney

This is the theme from The Lake House

i'm very sure this never happened to me before
i met you and now i'm sure
this never happened before
now i see this is the way it's supposed to be
i met you and now i see
this is the way it should be
this is the way it should be for lovers
they shouldn't go it alone
it's not so good when you're on your own
so come to me
now we can be what we wanna be
i love you and now i see
this is the way it should be
this is the way it should be
this is the way it should be for lovers
they shouldn't go it alone
it's not so good when you're on your own
i'm very sure this never happened to me before
i met you and now i'm sure
this never happened before (this never happened before)this never happened before (this never happened)this never happened before (this never happened before)
Watch the video

Pet sitter

Catherine Brown, Pet Sitter

Catherine Brown runs a business called 'Happy Hounds and Cooler Cats' which is a dog walking and pet care business. In other words, she is a pet sitter and believes you have to be an animal lover to be good at this kind of job. You can find out more about the language of this week's programme, below.

The Scouts

The subject of this week’s lesson is the scouts, the world’s biggest voluntary organisation for young people.

The movement celebrates its centenary this summer.

Intermediate and above (equivalent to CEF level B1 and above)
Student's Worksheet
Teacher's Notes

Simple Past (2A)

Explanation and execises

Exploring Your Country

segunda-feira, 16 de julho de 2007


Llámase así el flujo de sangre que corre debido a la ruptura de un vaso. La hemorragia será venosa si el vaso roto es una vena, o arterial si se trata de una arteria. En el primer caso, es de sangre de tonalidad oscura, que va hacia los pulmones para recibir oxígeno; en el segundo, se trata de sangre de un rojo vivo, que viene de los pulmones para distribuir oxígeno en los tejidos de todo el cuerpo.
La palabra proviene del latín hæmorragia, tomada del vocablo griego haimorrhagia, formado con haima (sangre) y un derivado del verbo rhegnunai (romper, reventar, derramar).
En nuestra lengua abundan las palabras derivadas de haima: hemoglobina’, hemólisis, hemorroide y muchas otras, en su mayoría del área médica, pero también ajenas a ella, como hematita ¯un tipo de mineral de hierro, literalmente ‘sangre que parece piedra’.

Talking Point

Reading in English is a Waste of Time

A worksheet designed to motivate students to maintain their level of English by reading in English. Ranging from topic-related vocabulary to popular "book" idioms and phrases, this worksheet can spark your students' interest. Fluency is practised through discussion questions which are both topic-related and personalised, such as: "Which books have had the biggest impact on you?"



How many days does a "leap year" have?

a) 364
b) 365
c) 366

Talking about sales

Can (1B)

quarta-feira, 11 de julho de 2007


Sights of New York

Go to lesson

Helli and Paolo are talking about their trip to New York.

Choose the correct answer. "Booked" means:
1. reserved
2. paid for
3 cancelled
4. found


Proviene del latín perplexus, formado con el prefijo reforzativo per- y el participio pasivo del verbo plectere, que significaba ‘tejer’, ‘enredar’, ‘dar muchas vueltas’, ‘torcer’. Llegó a nuestra lengua a través del francés antiguo perplex.
Se ha dicho que este término es una alusión metafórica al hecho de que la perplejidad es una especie de nudo intelectual, como el enredo sugerido por plectere. Perplejo aparece registrado por primera vez con su forma actual en el diccionario de Terreros (1780), que define su significado como "dudoso, indeterminado", pero se usaba ya desde el siglo xiii bajo la grafía antigua: perplexo, como en este trecho de la Gran conquista de ultramar:
E porende estaua muy perplexo que no sabia a qual destas cosas se acoger.

terça-feira, 10 de julho de 2007

Dogs At Work And Play

Lillie the dog lies next to Tahoe the cat Friday, July 6, 2007, in Victoria, Texas. Ever since the kitten was found under the hood of Eunice Collins' running Chevrolet Tahoe a few weeks ago, he's been feeding from the unusually cooperative longhaired dachshund. Tahoe feeds in the morning, at night and after naps, purring and pawing at the dog's belly. (AP Photo/Victoria Advocate, T.C. Baker)


quinta-feira, 5 de julho de 2007

Ice cream

This week’s lesson is a celebration of one of the most popular kinds of food in the world: ice cream. Believe it or not, in the 1980s US President Reagan designated the third Sunday in July as ‘National Ice Cream Day’.


Intermediate and above (equivalent to CEF level B1 and above)

Go to lesson

quarta-feira, 4 de julho de 2007

For better or for worse

Decline invitations

We've already looked briefly at how to accept invitations in our programme on making informal invitations. In this programme, we look at how to say 'no' to an invitation: how to decline an invitation.This programme is suitable for elementary/pre-intermediate learners. When you've listened to the programme, don't forget to practise what you've learned with the quiz below!

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Alexandra Kloss

Alexandra Kloss in her normal clothes and, right, in Baroque costume

Alexandra Kloss is a talented young musician, who is studying at the prestigious Royal Academy of Music. We listen to Alexandra talk about her studies and play her instrument. Here are some comprehension questions. Listen out for the answers as Alexandra is speaking. You'll be able to check what the answers are at the end of the programme, or by downloading the script at the bottom of this page.

What instrument does Alexandra play?
What languages does Alexandra speak?
What project has she been involved in, at the Royal Academy of Music?
What kinds of music can one play on Alex's instrument?
Go to lesson

segunda-feira, 2 de julho de 2007


El edificio - O edifício

La pared - A parede

El tejado - O telhado

La puerta - A porta

La ventana - A janela

El suelo - O chão

El techo - O teto

La terraza - O terraço

Las escaleras - As escadas

El ascensor - O elevador

Searching for the perfect employee

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Adriana is disappointed that she didn't get the part in the TV series that she auditioned for.

Choose the correct answer. "Feedback" means
1. praise
2. response
3 criticism
4. rejection