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sexta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2009



'No tenía ni idea pero aprendí a invertir hasta ganar un Porsche'

Actualizado viernes 27/11/2009 09:36

Javier González | Ricardo Domínguez (Vídeo)

Madrid.- No estaba ocupada, y su hijo le propuso apuntarse a un concurso de inversores para "entretenerse un rato". María Luisa Vega Gómez, ganadora del II XTB Trading Cup de X-Trade Brokers (XTB), ha sido premiada con un Porsche Cayman por haber sido la mejor inversora de este año.

María Luisa, de Santander, ha ganado un 2102% sobre
su inversión inicial, de 20.000 a 440.338 euros virtuales al final del
concurso, gracias a una combinación de inversiones en materias primas y

"Invertí en azúcar... soy una apasionada de Cuba, me gusta el azúcar", admite la ganadora, quien combinó intuición y aprendizaje a partes iguales.

"Mi hijo me dijo que me tenía que apuntar. Él me recomendaba algunos
movimientos, y he ido aprendiendo con el juego. Ahora me he puesto las
botas y he leído un par de libros", afirma María Luisa, quien recibió
ayer su coche deportivo en el Palacio de Congresos de Madrid.

"Me han enseñado a manejar el coche, ahora tengo que aprender a conducir",
hace un símil la ganadora con el premio y lo aprendido en el concurso.
No obstante, advierte de que su impecable partida no es fruto de la
casualidad: "Mis amigos no se lo creen, se piensan que me ha tocado la
lotería, pero no, me lo he ganado yo".

Los instrumentos de inversión de XTB Trading Cup son los Contratos por Diferencias,
herramientas que, a grandes rasgos, permiten hacer grandes inversiones
con un desembolso inicial mínimo, y cuyo vencimiento implica ganar -o
perder- la diferencia de revalorización o devaluación del activo

María Luisa inició su partida invirtiendo en materias primas
como el mencionado azúcar y la plata. Después, a medida que ella y su
hijo seguían la evolución de los mercados, dieron el salto a las divisas, en especial al yen.

No obstante, la ganadora aún no ha decidido dar el salto al mercado
real. "Todavía tengo que estudiar un poquito más", reconoce María Luisa.

Otros premios

La segunda edición del concurso, en el que colabora el actor Ramón Langa, se celebró entre 4 de octubre y el 6 de noviembre 2009.

El segundo (Egonzalez) y tercer clasificado (Ivanovich) han recibido
por su parte 5.000 y 3.000 euros, respectivamente, en cuentas X-Trade

Además, la operación más rentable de cada semana
era premiada con una PDA de última generación y entre todos los
concursantes se ha sorteado un viaje a Londres para dos personas.

Escuchar la noticia en

quinta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2009

Olympic success

by Pete Sharma
Visit Pete's Website

Olympic success

Level: Intermediate and above

This week's activities:

  • Completing the missing information in a chart of Olympic venues
  • Matching headings to the correct paragraph in an article
  • Reading an article about the recent Olympic vote to choose the host city for the 2016 games
  • Deciding if words are nouns, verbs or both
  • Completing a fluency task arising from the article

Related Websites

Send your students to these websites, or just take a look yourself. Please be patient while these pages load - they are worth the wait!

quarta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2009

Arnold Schwarzenegger becomes California governor

October 7, 2003 :

On this day in 2003, actor Arnold Schwarzenegger is elected governor of California, the most populous state in the nation with the world's fifth-largest economy. Despite his inexperience, Schwarzenegger came out on top in the 11-week campaign to replace Gray Davis, who had earlier become the first United States governor to be recalled by the people since 1921. Schwarzenegger was one of 135 candidates on the ballot, which included career politicians, other actors, and one adult-film star.

Born in Thal, Austria, on July 30, 1947, Arnold Schwarzenegger began body-building as a teenager. He won the first of four "Mr. Universe" body-building championships at the age of 20, and moved to the United States in 1968. He also went on to win a then-record seven "Mr. Olympia" championships, securing his reputation as a body-building legend, and soon began appearing in films. Schwarzenegger first attracted mainstream public attention for a Golden Globe®-winning performance in Stay Hungry (1976) and his appearance in the 1977 documentary Pumping Iron. At the same time, he was working on a B.A. at the University of Wisconsin, from which he graduated in 1979.

Schwarzenegger's film career took off after his starring turn in 1982's Conan the Barbarian. In 1983, he became a U.S. citizen; the next year he made his most famous film, The Terminator, directed by James Cameron. Although his acting talent is probably aptly described as limited, Schwarzenegger went on to become one of the most sought-after action-film stars of the 1980s and early 1990s and enjoyed an extremely lucrative career. The actor's romantic life also captured the attention of the American public: he married television journalist and lifelong Democrat Maria Shriver, niece of the late President John F. Kennedy, in 1986.

With his film career beginning to stagnate, Schwarzenegger, a staunch supporter of the Republican party who had long been thought to harbor political aspirations, announced his candidacy for governor of California during an appearance on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Aside from his well-known stint serving as chairman of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports under President George H.W. Bush, Schwarzenegger had little political experience. His campaign, which featured his use of myriad one-liners well-known from his movie career, was dogged by criticism of his use of anabolic steroids, as well as allegations of sexual misconduct and racism. Still, Schwarzenegger was able to parlay his celebrity into a win, appealing to weary California voters with talk of reform. He beat his closest challenger, the Democratic lieutenant governor Cruz Bustamante, by more than 1 million votes.


quarta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2009

First ATM opens for business

September 2, 1969

On this day in 1969, America's first automatic teller machine (ATM) makes its public debut, dispensing cash to customers at Chemical Bank in Rockville Center, New York. ATMs went on to revolutionize the banking industry, eliminating the need to visit a bank to conduct basic financial transactions. By the 1980s, these money machines had become widely popular and handled many of the functions previously performed by human tellers, such as check deposits and money transfers between accounts. Today, ATMs are as indispensable to most people as cell phones and e-mail.

Several inventors worked on early versions of a cash-dispensing machine, but Don Wetzel, an executive at Docutel, a Dallas company that developed automated baggage-handling equipment, is generally credited as coming up with the idea for the modern ATM. Wetzel reportedly conceived of the concept while waiting on line at a bank. The ATM that debuted in New York in 1969 was only able to give out cash, but in 1971, an ATM that could handle multiple functions, including providing customers' account balances, was introduced.

ATMs eventually expanded beyond the confines of banks and today can be found everywhere from gas stations to convenience stores to cruise ships. There is even an ATM at McMurdo Station in Antarctica. Non-banks lease the machines (so-called "off premise" ATMs) or own them outright.

Today there are well over 1 million ATMs around the world, with a new one added approximately every five minutes. It's estimated that more than 170 Americans over the age of 18 had an ATM card in 2005 and used it six to eight times a month. Not surprisingly, ATMs get their busiest workouts on Fridays.

In the 1990s, banks began charging fees to use ATMs, a profitable move for them and an annoying one for consumers. Consumers were also faced with an increase in ATM crimes and scams. Robbers preyed on people using money machines in poorly lit or otherwise unsafe locations, and criminals also devised ways to steal customers' PINs (personal identification numbers), even setting up fake money machines to capture the information. In response, city and state governments passed legislation such as New York's ATM Safety Act in 1996, which required banks to install such things as surveillance cameras, reflective mirrors and locked entryways for their ATMs.

sábado, 25 de julho de 2009

Machu Picchu discovered

July 24, 1911

On July 24, 1911, American archeologist Hiram Bingham gets his first look at Machu Picchu, an ancient Inca settlement in Peru that is now one of the world's top tourist destinations.

Tucked away in the rocky countryside northwest of Cuzco, Machu Picchu is believed to have been a summer retreat for Inca leaders, whose civilization was virtually wiped out by Spanish invaders in the 16th century. For hundreds of years afterwards, its existence was a secret known only to the peasants living in the region. That all changed in the summer of 1911, when Bingham arrived with a small team of explorers to search for the famous "lost" cities of the Incas.

Traveling on foot and by mule, Bingham and his team made their way from Cuzco into the Urubamba Valley, where a local farmer told them of some ruins located at the top of a nearby mountain. The farmer called the mountain Machu Picchu, which meant "Old Peak" in the native Quechua language. The next day--July 24--after a tough climb to the mountain's ridge in cold and drizzly weather, Bingham met a small group of peasants who showed him the rest of the way. Led by an 11-year-old boy, Bingham got his first glimpse of the intricate network of stone terraces marking the entrance to Machu Picchu.

The excited Bingham spread the word about his discovery in a best-selling book, sending hordes of eager tourists flocking to Peru to follow in his footsteps up the Inca trail. The site itself stretches an impressive five miles, with over 3,000 stone steps linking its many different levels. Today, more than 300,000 people tramp through Machu Picchu every year, braving crowds and landslides to see the sun set over the towering stone monuments of the "Sacred City" and marvel at the mysterious splendor of one of the world's most famous man-made wonders.

quarta-feira, 1 de julho de 2009

Libros gratuitos (para bajar como PDF común)

El alumno ¡Descarga gratuita!
de Henry James

El alumno, o El pupilo, como también se conoce a esta magnífica novela corta, comienza cuando una familia, en otro tiempo adinerada y elegante y que poco a poco ha ido cayendo en la miseria, decide buscar preceptor para su hijo. A partir de ese momento nos veremos inmersos en los pormenores que atravesará el tutor en su relación con el alumno y sus padres.

Amor a la vida ¡Descarga gratuita!
de Jack London

Esta magnífica historia, ambientada en Alaska, recurrente escenario en las obras de London, es un torbellino de temas, ideas, y mensajes, entre ellos, el sencillo alegato del triunfo de la voluntad por vivir del hombre.

La esclavitud femenina ¡Descarga gratuita!
de John Stuart Mill

En palabras de Emilia Pardo Bazán, éste es un «libro extraño, radical, fresco y ardoroso, que en nombre del individualismo reclama la igualdad de los sexos y que con el más exacto raciocinio y la más apretada dialéctica pulveriza los argumentos y objeciones que pudiesen oponerse a la tesis.»

Se trata de uno de los primeros tratados de la historia del pensamiento que aborda la igualdad entre los sexos desde múltiples perspectivas.

Traducción de Emilia Pardo Bazán.

La flor ¡Descarga gratuita!
de Rosalía de Castro

Éste es el primer libro de Rosalía de Castro, publicado en 1857, a sus veinte años de edad.

Las mujercitas se casan ¡Descarga gratuita!
de Louisa May Alcott

Louisa May Alcott vuelve a presentar los avatares de la familia March. Han transcurrido tres años y las mujercitas se han convertido en jóvenes mujeres.
La Guerra de Secesión por fin ha terminado llevando de regreso a casa al señor March junto a su querida familia. Se han producido grandes cambios en las vidas de las heroínas de Mujercitas: Meg acaricia la idea de casarse con su novio; Jo se consagra a su gran pasión, la literatura; Beth, de salud delicada, se ocupa de las tareas hogareñas; y Amy se dedica al dibujo.
Además las Mujercitas despiertan el amor y proyectan un futuro con el hombre ideal con el cuál formarán su propia familia.

(c) Copyright 1999-2009 - - Contenidos propiedad de

segunda-feira, 29 de junho de 2009

The Prince's Rainforest Project

The Prince's Rainforest Project

Daniel Craig. Actor. Optimist.

Pele. Athlete.

Takiwo. 12 years old.

Robin. Comedian. Cyclist. Frog translator.





Harrison Ford. Actor. Conservationist. And friend of frogs.

Joss Stone. Singer.

Tenzin Gyatso. Simple Buddhist monk.

Louie Johann. Schoolboy.



-Trying to preserve the rainforests.

-For all of us.

Climate change is the greatest threat facing mankind.

Every year, destruction of the Earth's rainforests releases more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere...

...than all of the world's cars, planes, and ships put together. We must act now. Future generations are depending on us.

Charles, Prince of Wales.

The future of the rainforest is our future too.

Add your voice at

Kermit the Frog. Amphibian. We need the rainforest. Everybody does.

The Prince's Rainforest Project

terça-feira, 16 de junho de 2009

First roller coaster in America opens

June 16, 1884

On this day in 1884, the first roller coaster in America opens at Coney Island, in Brooklyn, New York. Known as a switchback railway, it was the brainchild of LaMarcus Thompson, traveled approximately six miles per hour and cost a nickel to ride. The new entertainment was an instant success and by the turn of the century there were hundreds of roller coasters around the country.

Coney Island, a name believed to have come from the Dutch Konijn Eilandt, or Rabbit Island, is a tract of land along the Atlantic Ocean discovered by explorer Henry Hudson in 1609. The first hotel opened at Coney Island in 1829 and by the post-Civil War years, the area was an established resort with theaters, restaurants and a race track. Between 1897 and 1904, three amusement parks sprang up at Coney Island--Dreamland, Luna Park and Steeplechase. By the 1920s, Coney Island was reachable by subway and summer crowds of a million people a day flocked there for rides, games, sideshows, the beach and the two-and-a-half-mile boardwalk, completed in 1923.

The hot dog is said to have been invented at Coney Island in 1867 by Charles Feltman. In 1916, a nickel hot dog stand called Nathan's was opened by a former Feltman employee and went on to become a Coney Island institution and international franchise. Today, Nathan's is famous not only for its hot dogs but its hot dog-eating contest, held each Fourth of July in Coney Island. In 2006, Takeru Kobayashi set a new record when he ate 53.75 hot dogs with buns in 12 minutes.

Roller coasters and amusement parks experienced a decline during the Great Depression and World War II, when Americans had less cash to spend on entertainment. Finally, in 1955, the opening of Disneyland in Anaheim, California, signaled the advent of the modern theme park and a rebirth of the roller coaster. Disneyland's success sparked a wave of new parks and coasters. By the 1970s, parks were competing to create the most thrilling rides. In 2005, Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson, New Jersey, introduced the Kingda Ka roller coaster, the world's tallest (at 456 feet) and fastest (at 128 mph).

By the mid-1960s, the major amusement parks at Coney Island had shut down and the area acquired a seedy image. Nevertheless, Coney Island remains a tourist attraction and home to the Cyclone, a wooden coaster that made its debut there in 1927. Capable of speeds of 60 mph and with an 85-foot drop, the Cyclone is one of the country's oldest coasters in operation today. Though a real-estate developer recently announced the building of a new $1.5 billion year-round resort at Coney Island that will include a 4,000-foot-long roller coaster, an indoor water park and a multi-level carousel, the Cyclone's owners have said they plan to keep the historic coaster open for business.

segunda-feira, 15 de junho de 2009


01 July is Canada Day.
Practise your English while you learn about Canada.
Have a look at the article, word game, poem, cartoon, trivia, poll and links.

04 July is American Independence Day.
Practise your English while you learn about the USA.
Take a look at the article, poem, cartoon, word game, trivia and links.



Practise your English while you learn about town and country.

Take a look at the article, cartoon, poll, word games, poems, trivia and links.

Town or country?


26 June is International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.

Practise your English while you learn about drugs.

Have a look at the article, story, poll, word game, cartoon, trivia and links.



Políticas Públicas 2009/1


Nome: Liana Cristina Ribeiro Duarte Costa

Licenciatura em Pedagogia - CEDERJ/UERJ




              Das políticas públicas incrementadas pelo governo, destaco o ensino fundamental de 9 anos e o piso nacional salarial do magistério. A escolha dessas políticas se deve ao fato de que encaro a ampliação do ensino fundamental como de suma importância. Crianças de 6 anos são extremamente capazes de aprender e tem grande curiosidade em fazê-lo. Este ano adicional já pode preparar a criança ao bom hábito de aprender e produzir conhecimento, obviamente respeitando ainda, sua faixa etária e seu direito de brincar.

              Quanto a segunda escolha, o piso nacional salarial do magistério, é clara a sua importância, pois a diferença salarial é muito grande em todo o país. Com o piso e planos de carreira o profissional se sente mais valorizado, mais motivado a se qualificar cada vez mais evitando assim a “prostituição” e a evasão da profissão de professor.

              Ambas políticas ainda não me afetam pessoalmente, mas como futura educadora, percebo a grande importância desses fatos.


              Ensino Fundamental de 9 anos


              O ensino fundamental de 9 anos foi previsto na LDB n° 9.394/96 e tornou-se obrigatório pela Lei n° 11.114/2005. A lei n° 11.274/2006 determina que crianças de 6 anos sejam matriculadas no ensino fundamental e não mais na pré-escola. A mesma lei estabelece que até 2010, estados, municípios e o Distrito Federal implementem esta medida. O governo federal auxilia as prefeituras através do Fundeb e o Ministério da Educação oferece aos municípios assistência técnica, pedagógica e equipamentos. E necessário reafirmar que a criança de 6 anos está no ensino obrigatório e, portanto, precisa ser atendida em todos os objetivos legais e pedagógicos estabelecidos para essa etapa de ensino. Acima de tudo, deve-se ter o cuidado de não as frustrar, pois, por muitos anos, frequentarão o espaço escolar.




              Piso Salarial do Magistério


              De acordo com a Lei n° 11.738/2008, os professores da educação básica pública dos estados, municípios, do Distrito Federal e da União serão beneficiados com o piso salarial de R$ 950 para 40 horas semanais de trabalho. A partir de 2010, prefeitos e governadores terão de ajustar-se para pagar o valor total do piso, podendo receber uma complementação da União através do Fundeb. A partir de 2009 o piso será atualizado anualmente, de acordo com o crescimento do valor anual mínimo por aluno dos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental urbano.


              E o que dizer do Rio de Janeiro?


              Ao ler uma reportagem sobre uma prova aplicada aos alunos de 2° a 9°, pude perceber que o município do Rio de Janeiro já estabeleceu o ensino fundamental de 9 anos. O objetivo da prova era identificar quais crianças precisavam de alguma ajuda para ter um bom desempenho escolar no ano em curso e saber em que assuntos esta ajuda seria importante. Os resultados mostraram que cerca de 286.500 necessitam de algum reforço.

              Quanto ao piso salarial do magistério em 2007, o município do Rio de Janeiro já pagava o piso de R$ 918,53 para 22 horas de trabalho. Falando sobre o estado do Rio de Janeiro o piso caiu para R$ 862,00 para 40 horas de trabalho, com Mesquita tendo o melhor piso salarial para professor do estado, piso de R$ 900 para 24 horas de trabalho.


              Considerações finais


              Qualquer iniciativa de políticas públicas em educação é visando a melhoria para todos os envolvidos. Mas, desconsideram-se fatos que não dependem de leis para serem cumpridos. Um exemplo drástico é a falta de higiene nas escolas públicas. É difícil de imaginar crianças e jovens passando horas em ambientes sujos e mal cuidados, como a maioria das escolas públicas. Pessoas na dianteira das escolas precisam se preocupar mais com os pequenos detalhes que já mudariam muito o sistema escolar de suas comunidades.


Sociologia – 2009/1


Nome: Liana Cristina Ribeiro Duarte Costa

Licenciatura em Pedagogia - CEDERJ/UERJ




              Tudo o que é belo é bom. Esta concepção está largamente difundida pela mídia, especialmente para as práticas voltadas para jovens e crianças. É de responsabilidade da escola e da família desenvolver nos jovens e crianças a questão do gosto e da preferência estética pessoais. Isto pode ser feito de várias maneiras.

              Arte tem um sentido muito mais amplo do que apenas formas artísticas concretas. Arte, segundo Nietzsche, consiste na arte de viver, de imprimir um estilo aos nossos atos e de impor nosso gosto em cada gesto cotidiano. Até o que denominamos “feio” é aproveitado pelo homem para desenvolver a sua arte de viver. Educadores e famílias podem comparar os parâmetros de belo e feio, dando exemplos de como esses valores mudam de época para época, nas diversas sociedades. Há uma função pedagógica nos padrões estéticos com os quais convivemos dentro de um determinado contexto sociocultural.

              É natural do ser humano sentir-se mais ou menos atraído por determinada coisa inanimada ou um ser vivo. A prática pedagógica torna-se um poderoso instrumento na educação do ser humano, contribuindo para o seu desenvolvimento pessoal. Ela permite à criança e ao jovem promover uma reflexão sobre os valores de beleza em nossa sociedade. Os alunos deixarão de ter um olhar ingênuo em relação aos padrões estéticos aceitos, sem um exame crítico. Poderão perceber se existe bom gosto nas manifestações culturais da atualidade, principalmente na chamada “cultura de massa”.

sexta-feira, 12 de junho de 2009

Em busca do samba perfeito

Um garoto passa férias na casa do tio compositor e está louco para ajudá-lo na criação de mais uma canção.

Seus alunos podem conduzir essa história

Está dado o pontapé inicial de um grande conto: "Vira pó". Índigo, a autora, redigiu a primeira parte e agora espera pela participação de seus alunos para, juntamente com eles, criar três textos intermediários e um final. Nas próximas semanas, você poderá escrever frases ou parágrafos e indicar o caminho que ela deve seguir. Cada nova sugestão será analisada para ser aproveitada nas etapas seguintes.
Para facilitar o acesso da primeira parte da história a todos os alunos, imprima o texto para distribuir em classe. Incentive o envolvimento discutindo as estratégias utilizadas pela autora, propondo a construção de novas produções conforme as características do gênero (conto) e fazendo atividades como a de revisão em grupos.
Lembre-se: ao postar um texto, identifique o nome completo do estudante, a classe e a escola.

Vira pó

segunda-feira, 8 de junho de 2009

road safety

The topic on LearnEnglish Kids this month is road safety. You will find songs, stories and a new game called Road Safety Run in the topics section, plus links to resources for children, parents and teachers developed by the UK's Department of Transport's Think! campaign.

Image - wear bright clotes and be seen
new song - keep safe, stay alive!
Image - a boy in the road
Dino the dog has a special job. He helps people to keep safe on the roads. This song presents 5 lessons about road safety. Before you listen to the song, can you and your child guess what they are? Listen to the song to see if you are right. You can also download the lyrics, some activities and a word puzzle to do offline.

new story - a dog's life
Image - the family in the car
Dino the dog has a very busy life keeping people safe on the roads. Read and listen to his diary and find out what he did last week. You can print some activities to do offline too. Perhaps you could write a simple diary with your child!
more about road safety
Think! is the UK Government's campaign to improve people's behaviour on the roads. You will find resources for children, parents and teachers on these websites:

Leitura fácil e divertida é o melhor caminho

Sem sombra de dúvida, para melhorar a leitura com rapidez, deve-se ler livros fáceis e interessantes. Deve-se ler muito - pelo menos uma hora por dia. Mas tem que ser um livro fácil.
A regra é simples: você nao deve precisar de dicionário para ler e entender o livro. Se precisar de um dicionário é porque está difécil demais e você deve achar algo mais fácil.
Você deve ser capaz de entender de 98 a 99% das palavras. É muito fácil adivinhar o significado de uma palavra que a gente não conhece. Não é preciso usar um dicionário.

O que devo ler?
O tipo de livro que mais gostar: infantil, mistério, ficção científica, romance, quadrinhos, etc. Todos são ótimos. Mas procure os fáceis!

9 Meses para turbinar a leitura!
Se fizer isso por uma hora todos os dias, voce vai ficar impressionado(a) com o progrsso super rápido.
Eu garanto que vai melhorar muito mais rápido que alunos que ficam lendo textos dificeis.
Encontre livrinhos fáceis e interessantes e leia!

sexta-feira, 5 de junho de 2009

¡Qué ricos los pinchos!

Reportaje sobre los pinchos durante una mañana en San Sebastián. Nivel A1 del MCRE.
El DVD de Aula es una selección de documentos audiovisuales con un doble objetivo: el desarrollo de la sensibilidad intercultural y la mejora de la comprensión audiovisual en los niveles A1, A2, B1 y B2.
Este DVD recoge producciones variadas y actuales: videoclips de músicos españoles e hispanoamericanos, reportajes sobre diversos temas y países, cortometrajes y campañas publicitarias.
Cada documento audiovisual cuenta con una FICHA DE TRABAJO que ofrece, en formato PDF, transcripciones, comentarios y actividades para su explotación didáctica en el aula. Todos los capítulos pueden ser visionados con subtítulos en español.

Día mundial del Medio Ambiente

El 5 de junio se celebra el Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente. En esta página web puedes ver el programa de las Naciones Unidas para fomentar la sensibilización mundial sobre el medio ambiente y promover la atención y acción política al respecto. Puedes trabajar en clase este tema y pedir a tus alumnos que sugieran ideas para cuidar el medio ambiente, hablar del reciclaje, etc. Para ello te sugerimos también una actividad de Gente joven 2 descargable desde la sección Ideas y recursos de nuestra web.

domingo, 31 de maio de 2009

Big Ben goes into operation in London

May 31, 1859

The famous tower clock known as Big Ben, located at the top of the 320-foot-high St. Stephen's Tower, rings out over the Houses of Parliament in Westminster, London, for the first time on this day in 1859.

After a fire destroyed much of the Palace of Westminster--the headquarters of the British Parliament--in October 1834, a standout feature of the design for the new palace was a large clock atop a tower. The royal astronomer, Sir George Airy, wanted the clock to have pinpoint accuracy, including twice-a-day checks with the Royal Greenwich Observatory. While many clockmakers dismissed this goal as impossible, Airy counted on the help of Edmund Beckett Denison, a formidable barrister known for his expertise in horology, or the science of measuring time.

Denison's design, built by the company E.J. Dent & Co., was completed in 1854; five years later, St. Stephen's Tower itself was finished. Weighing in at more than 13 tons, its massive bell was dragged to the tower through the streets of London by a team of 16 horses, to the cheers of onlookers. Once it was installed, Big Ben struck its first chimes on May 31, 1859. Just two months later, however, the heavy striker designed by Denison cracked the bell. Three more years passed before a lighter hammer was added and the clock went into service again. The bell was rotated so that the hammer would strike another surface, but the crack was never repaired.

The name "Big Ben" originally just applied to the bell but later came to refer to the clock itself. Two main stories exist about how Big Ben got its name. Many claim it was named after the famously long-winded Sir Benjamin Hall, the London commissioner of works at the time it was built. Another famous story argues that the bell was named for the popular heavyweight boxer Benjamin Caunt, because it was the largest of its kind.

Even after an incendiary bomb destroyed the chamber of the House of Commons during the Second World War, St. Stephen's Tower survived, and Big Ben continued to function. Its famously accurate timekeeping is regulated by a stack of coins placed on the clock's huge pendulum, ensuring a steady movement of the clock hands at all times. At night, all four of the clock’s faces, each one 23 feet across, are illuminated. A light above Big Ben is also lit to let the public know when Parliament is in session.


segunda-feira, 25 de maio de 2009


31 May is World No-Tobacco Day.

Practise your English while you learn about smoking.

Have a look at the article, poems, word game, cartoon, trivia and links.


Practise your English while you learn about conspiracies.

Take a look at the article, story, cartoon, word game, trivia and links.

Star Wars opens

May 25, 1977 :

On this day in 1977, Memorial Day weekend opens with an intergalactic bang as the first of George Lucas' blockbuster Star Wars movies hits American theaters.

The incredible success of Star Wars--seven Oscars, $461 million in U.S. ticket sales and a gross of close to $800 million worldwide--began with an extensive, coordinated marketing push by Lucas and his studio, 20th Century Fox, months before the movie's release date. "It wasn’t like a movie opening," actress Carrie Fisher, who played rebel leader Princess Leia, later told Time magazine. "It was like an earthquake." Beginning with--in Fisher’s words--"a new order of geeks, enthusiastic young people with sleeping bags," the anticipation of a revolutionary movie-watching experience spread like wildfire, causing long lines in front of movie theaters across the country and around the world.

With its groundbreaking special effects, Star Wars leaped off screens and immersed audiences in "a galaxy far, far away." By now everyone knows the story, which followed the baby-faced Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) as he enlisted a team of allies--including hunky Han Solo (Harrison Ford) and the robots C3PO and R2D2--on his mission to rescue the kidnapped Princess Leia from an Evil Empire governed by Darth Vader. The film made all three of its lead actors overnight stars, turning Fisher into an object of adoration for millions of young male fans and launching Ford's now-legendary career as an action-hero heartthrob.

Star Wars was soon a bona-fide pop culture phenomenon. Over the years it has spawned five more feature films, five TV series and an entire industry's worth of comic books, toys, video games and other products. Two big-screen sequels, The Empire Strikes Back (1980) and The Return of the Jedi (1983), featured much of the original cast and enjoyed the same success--both critical and commercial--as the first film. In 1999, Lucas stretched back in time for the fourth installment, Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, chronologically a prequel to the original movie. Two other prequels, Attack of the Clones (2002) and Revenge of the Sith (2005) followed.

The latter Star Wars movies featured a new cast--including Ewan McGregor, Liam Neeson, Natalie Portman and Hayden Christensen--and have generally failed to earn the same amount of critical praise as the first three films. They continue to score at the box office, however, with Revenge of the Sith becoming the top-grossing film of 2005 in the United States and the second worldwide.

segunda-feira, 18 de maio de 2009


Specialist areas

This article is for teachers of English who would like to understand more about the teaching and learning of pronunciation. It will also be useful for those who would like to become specialist trainers of pronunciation to other teachers, or carry out research into pronunciation
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Quais foram as maiores epidemias da história?

A peste bubônica e a gripe espanhola são as mais conhecidas. Mas, nas Américas, a epidemia que quase dizimou a população indígena é igualmente importante.

Leia mais sobre o assunto e consulte dois planos de aula sobre a gripe suína, para 5º e para 8º anos.

sexta-feira, 8 de maio de 2009