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Curso de Preposições em Inglês

segunda-feira, 19 de maio de 2008


When is the last time a rat cooked for you or a lion sang you a song? The world of children’s movies, particularly Disney movies, is a strange place where animals act like people and people sing in high pitched voices.But what if that world really did exist…in New York? That’s the concept behind a new film that has Mason nothing short of Enchanted.

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Mason: Hey, you want to go catch a movie tonight?
Jason: Uh huh. Sure.
Mason: ‘Cause I don’t know about you, but I could totally see Enchanted for the fifth time.
Jason: Really?
Mason: I love that movie! Are you serious?
Jason: How did you end up seeing it the first time?
Mason: Uh, I went and bought a ticket.
Jason: It just doesn’t strike me as a movie that, like, screams Mason. But I guess I could be wrong.
Mason: I gotta say, man, I love me some Disney movies. I love ‘em. Like all the old animated classics like Dumbo and Peter Pan and all that jazz. Sleeping Beauty. And this is playing off of all of them with a lot of really cool, modern humor.
Jason: Cool. I feel like everyone grew up with those, but most people don’t think about them anymore.
Mason: Most people grow up?
Jason: I guess you could say that. But this one makes fun of…It’s like a parody of those?
Mason: I wouldn’t call it a parody, but it takes all the stereotypes like the princess and the evil, magical queen and the stupid prince and takes it, drops it in real world New York but they still sing songs and are talking really too high and making the animals do work for them.
Jason: That actually sounds awesome.
Mason: It’s a really, really well-done, cute little film.
Jason: Is it all live-action?
Mason: Well there’s some animated parts, but 90% of it is in honest-to-God New York and there’s dancing rats and cockroaches.
Jason: Awesome. Yeah, I’ll see it. Why not?
Mason: Sweet!

Jason is surprised when Mason says he’s already seen Enchanted and he’d like to see it again. Grown-ups aren’t usually so excited about Disney movies.But Mason explains that Enchanted has a lot of modern humor and makes fun of all the Disney movies everyone grew up with. It takes place in New York and most of it isn’t animated, but the characters still act the way they do in animated movies.What’s your favorite animated movie from childhood? How far is it from the real world?

How many times has Mason already seen Enchanted?

Why is Jason surprised that Mason would like Enchanted?
He thought it was a children's movie.
Mason only likes animated movies.
Mason only likes movies with screaming.

Where does most of Enchanted take place?
In a magical kingdom.
In New York.
In a fictional city.
The lesson doesn't say. ...

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