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sexta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2008


By Levi Tafari

‘Celebr8' is a poem about integration and diversity. It is by the Liverpool based poet Levi Tafari, himself of Jamaican origin. This short kit has been produced to support the newly launched British Council project ‘Integration and Diversity in Education' (INDIE) which encourages young future leaders from a variety of backgrounds to take the initiative in promoting diversity in the own schools.
Celebr8 Kit >> 500k - Tasks and activities for exploiting the poem
Celebr8 Key >> 44k - Teachers' notes and answer key
Text of poem >> 48k
Poem audio
Poem audio >> 3.8Mb Mp3
Right click and then click on 'Save Target As..' to download files.

(Clique com o botão direito do mouse e então clique em "Salvar destino como..." para baixar os arquivos)

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