Steward: a person whose job it is to organize a particular event, or to provide services to particular people, or to take care of a particular place.
Before you listen
You are going to listen to an interview with a matchday hospitality steward from Chelsea football club. Before you listen, do an activity in which you match the names and descriptions of the different types of stewards. (copy and paste the link below)
Listening to the interview (To download the files, right-click where it says "Download MP3 audio file", choose 'Save target as', and select where you want to save the file. If you're a using a Mac, simply double-click on the link and use the on-screen window to select the file's destination.)
Download the mp3 file or else listen on your PC.
You can also see/print the audioscript of the interview (pdf doc)
Test your comprehension
Do an activity in which you say if statements about the interview are true or false. (copy and paste the link below)
External links
http://www.chelseafc.com/: read more about education activities
http://www.chelseafc.com/: read more about education activities
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