Episode 2: Not Guilty!
Fred: Betty, you've got to believe me! I would never cheat on you Betty!
Meaning: if you cheat on somebody, (your husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend) you secretly have a sexual or romantic relationship with someone else.
Grammar: This phrasal verb must have an object. You can not separate the verb from its particle.
He cheated on his wife - RIGHT
He cheated on her - RIGHT
He cheated her on - WRONG
He cheated his wife on - WRONG
Example sentence:
Juliet finally decided to divorce her husband when she caught him cheating on her with their next-door neighbour.
Synonyms: betray, be unfaithful to, do the dirty on, mess around, two-time
Episode 3: How Betty Knows
Betty: I know all about your other lady Fred! Your friend Martin told on you!
Meaning: if you tell on somebody, you give information about someone, usually about something bad that they have said or done, to a person in authority (like a teacher, boss or parent), knowing that this will probably result in punishment.
Grammar: This phrasal verb must have an object. You can not separate the verb from its particle.
He told on his sister - RIGHT
He told on her - RIGHT
He told her on - WRONG
He told his sister on - WRONG
Example sentence:
When I was a child I used to steal apples from the tree in the neighbour's garden but my brother told on me and my father grounded me for a month.
Synonyms: inform (on), grass (on), sneak (on)