Blog com vídeo aulas de inglês, espanhol e português para estrangeiros, além de atividades destes idiomas. Blog about English, Spanish and Portuguese, with video classes and activities.
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Curso de Preposições em Inglês
sexta-feira, 28 de setembro de 2007
This Never Happened Before - Paul McCartney (replay)

Verbs for reporting speech
Presentations: opening
In this module, we’ll be looking at some useful words and phrases for giving presentations. We have units on the main stages of presentations and a unit with tips on delivering effective presentations. Let’s start with opening presentations.
The Hoax

Actor Richard Gere
In this edition, we listen to a review of a new film called 'The Hoax' which stars Richard Gere. A hoax is a deception, a trick to make people believe something is true when it is not. But as we hear, the film is actually based on a true story - how, in 1971, a writer called Clifford Irving tried to get a fake autobiography of the superstar millionaire Howard Hughes published and make himself extremely rich in the process... Film critic Nigel Andrews uses lots of informal expressions to talk about the setting of the film.
Programme script http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/entertainment/scripts/entertainment_hoax_070924.pdf
Download this programme http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/entertainment/audio/entertainment_hoax_070924.mp3
See the preview
quinta-feira, 27 de setembro de 2007
Asking the Right Questions
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Choose the correct answer. "Brilliant" means:
1. bad
2. small
3 wonderful
4. not smart
quarta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2007
At the zoo
segunda-feira, 17 de setembro de 2007
Animales de agua
Un calamar - calamar, lula
Un salmón - salmão
Una sardina - sardinha
Un tiburón - tubarão
Una ballena - baleia
Un pez - peixe (animal vivo)
Un pescado - peixe (comida)
Un cangrejo - caranguejo
Una merluza - merluza, pescada
Un atún, un bonito - atum, bonito
quarta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2007
Un lápiz - lápis
Un bolígrafo - caneta esferográfica
Un rotulador - rotulador, marca-textos
Un portaminas - lapiseira
Un cuaderno - caderno
Un libro - livro
Una hoja, un folio - folha
Una carpeta - pasta
Un sacapuntas - apontador de lápis
Una goma de borrar, un borrador - borracha de apagar
Making the most of working abroad
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Choose the correct answer. "Traditional" means
1. innovative
2. established over the years
3 practical
4. artistic
sábado, 8 de setembro de 2007
Change place, change face
Marta Joyce Sabbadini-Essinki, Teacher & Trainer
This activity gives students maximum speaking time and helps develop fluency. The slightly ‘unusual’ classroom set-up seems to encourage students to speak, producing a healthy buzz and fostering a positive learning environment. I’ve found it can be a good option for classes with shy students, or groups who have become bored with traditional pair-work activities. Requiring only minimum preparation and just a little moving around of furniture, this activity can be used with learners at all levels.
Te ofrecemos un glosario para que tus alumnos puedan crear su propio diccionario, traduciendo las palabras a su lengua, poniendo ejemplos, etc.
Is it Good Advice?
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Choose the correct answer. "compromise" means
1. to confront
2. to avoid
3 to threaten
4. to give and take; meet halfway
quarta-feira, 5 de setembro de 2007
Secrets to closing the deal in English

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Choose the correct answer. "To complicate things" means:
1. to make more difficult
2. to make easier
3 to forget
4. to question